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NICHQ Resource Brochure

A Better Return on Investment

In 2009, NICHQ was commissioned by First Focus to author a policy brief on how healthcare reform could better address children’s health. The report outlines NICHQ’s policy recommendations for keeping pediatric health at the forefront of the reform agenda.


Guide for Healthcare Professionals to Partner with Community Based Organizations

This guide is designed for healthcare professionals already engaged in or starting their involvement in community advocacy efforts to bring about change in obesity rates. This guide teaches healthcare professionals how to effectively connect and partner with local and state organizations involved in community based education and advocacy to maximize the impact of efforts to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic.


Advocacy Resource Guide

This Advocacy Resource Guide provides a snapshot of the obesity epidemic and how it is impacting children; a “how-to” for advocacy at the community, state and national levels; strategies for working with decision makers and the media to communicate a message; areas and opportunities for policy engagement; and tools and resources to help healthcare professionals plan and support their work.


Healthy Weight Clinic Guide

This guide is a "nuts and bolts" manual about how to implement a healthy weight clinic in a primary care practice. A healthy weight clinic provides multi-disciplinary, community-oriented care within the medical home setting for children and adolescents who are overweight or obese.


Improving Systems: Changing Futures

In the Spread of Quality Improvement for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs: An integrated Systems Strategy for Building the Title V Infrastructure project, NICHQ was tasked with improving the health and well being of children and youth with special healthcare needs and their families through building the capacity of state Title V programs to create and sustain effective community-based systems of care for this population. This report documents NICHQ's learnings and impact.
