Improving Systems: Changing Futures
Engaging Title V, Families and Clinical Partners in Improving the System of Care for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs
Building capacity to care for children and youth with special healthcare needs.
In the Spread of Quality Improvement for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs: An integrated Systems Strategy for Building the Title V Infrastructure project, NICHQ was tasked with improving the health and well being of children and youth with special healthcare needs (CYSHCN) and their families through building the capacity of state Title V programs to create and sustain effective community-based systems of care for this population. This report documents NICHQ’s learnings and impact.
430 KB
Date published:
September 13, 2011
Shirley Russ, Deborah Allen, Sharon Fleischfresser, Carolyn Green, Karl White, Janet DesGeorges, Elizabeth Aquino, Karen Errichetti, and Charles Homer