Every Child Achieves Optimal Health
At the heart of what motivates us is the belief that children and families deserve better systems and supports so that every child achieves their optimal health. Because of this belief, addressing social determinants of health, eliminating health disparities, and achieving equity are central to our mission. We believe that by creating a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, we will similarly foster greater strength and resilience within and beyond the organization.
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Maternal & Child Health Resources
From social media awareness toolkits to guides and packets, our Resources section offers a variety of digital materials to support your particular focus in public health.
Quality Improvement Projects
NICHQ’s project expertise spans decades as well as disciplines. We have long been committed to the complex issues facing children’s health. Here are some of our current projects and links to associated resources and blogs.
Perinatal Quality Collaboratives
NICHQ works to enhance the coordination and communication of perinatal quality collaboratives across the nation, with the ultimate goal of improving health outcomes for mothers and newborns.
Safe Sleep & Breastfeeding
NICHQ leads a national effort to align medical professionals, parents, and stakeholders to make safe infant sleep and breastfeeding the national norm.
Supporting Healthy Start
NICHQ, along with the National Healthy Start Association (NHSA), is designing and delivering exceptional capacity-building training and performance support to 101+ Healthy Start programs in 34 states, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C.
Improving Sickle Cell Disease Care
NICHQ works with five regional teams from across the country to improve coordination and service delivery for individuals living with sickle cell disease, enhance access to services, and improve and expand patient and provider education.