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NICHQ Resource Brochure


Infant Mortality CoIIN Prevention Toolkit

This interactive toolkit allows users to learn from participants in the Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to Reduce Infant Mortality (Infant Mortality CoIIN). Organized by topics from the initiative, this toolkit features change ideas, case studies, videos and key insights from teams who are working to reduce infant mortality throughout the country. 


NICHQ-NCQA Medical Home Transformation Crosswalk

NICHQ's Pediatric Medical Home Framework was developed through years of experience helping to transform pediatric practices into medical homes. The framework captures what NICHQ believes to be the best, evidence-based approaches to medical home practice transformation. Since many medical homes seek NCQA recognition, this tool has been specifically designed to map tested change concepts in NICHQ's framework to the 2014 NCQA PCMH standards.


Quality Improvement 101

This interactive course teaches the fundamentals of quality improvement (QI) and how to use this methodology to create effective, beneficial change. Lessons and exercises go over important elements such as the Model for Improvement, Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, implementation and spread.


Introduction to Using Control Charts

A control chart is a statistical tool that can help users identify variation and use that knowledge to inform the development of changes for improvement. In this Introduction to Control Charts, learn about the purpose, components and how to interpret control charts to guide your improvement work.


NICHQ's Care Team Role Builder

NICHQ’s Care Team Role Builder enables pediatric practices to match up their practice activities--such as those associated with registration, population management or care coordination--with the appropriate care team member. Users can also assign the time in the visit cycle and the mode of communication. Get started today with this interactive online resource.


NICHQ's Care Plan Template

Creating your practice’s care plan template should be an iterative process. The key is to get started and then keep adding elements to the care plan and assessing to make sure you balance the patient and practice’s needs. This resource lets pediatric practices pick and choose items to include in a care plan.


Collaborative Action Now to Defeat Obesity (CAN DO) Playbook

The Collaborative Action Now to Defeat Obesity (CAN DO) Playbook helps primary care, public health and community leaders work together at a local level to defeat obesity. Through interactive exercises, the CAN DO Playbook teaches proven, field-tested improvement strategies for the many settings that influence health, including schools, clinics, hospitals and communities. 


Obesity Factsheets

These Obesity Factsheets were created to provide national, state and county-based data regarding childhood overweight and obesity prevalence and the environmental and behavioral factors that influence health. They are designed to make relevant population data more readily available to local advocates and decision makers.


Powerful Partnerships: A Handbook for Families and Providers Working Together to Improve Care

This guide is intended to help both family members and healthcare professionals who are working together to improve care for children with special healthcare needs. Joining together in multi-disciplinary teams, family members and providers are increasingly working as equal partners to improve care. Collaborating as equals may be new for family members and providers. This guide includes information and guidance on how to get the most out of this potentially powerful partnership.
