Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Demonstration Program
We work with four regional teams from across the country to increase the number of providers treating persons for sickle cell disease or sickle cell related issues, increase the number of providers prescribing disease modifying therapies, such as hydroxyurea, and increase the number of patients receiving regular care from providers knowledgeable about treating sickle cell disease.
Status: Complete
September 2014 to September 2018
- Who: Four regional grantee teams that cover diverse HRSA-designated regions across the country. Partnerships include sickle cell treatment centers, federally qualified health centers, community based organizations, parents and patients.
- Funder: The project is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration.
- Our Role: Gather data from and evaluate the performance of SCDTDP grantees in addressing the goals of the program. Deliver a comprehensive report to congress that outlines results of the project, develop a model protocol that outlines strategies for improving sickle cell care, and establish a compendium of tools and materials developed by teams.
If you are interested in learning more about this project, email: [email protected]
Results Webinar: Strategies and Next Steps for Improving Sickle Cell Disease
Find out lessons learned and recommendations stemming from this national program focused on improving the quality and access to care for patients with sickle cell disease. Grantees shared their on-the-ground efforts to create systems change and make a difference in the lives of children and adults with sickle cell disease.
Click here for a free webinar recording.
Project Highlights
The items were created for regional coordinating centers to use to talk about their involvement in the project and the project's impact:
Impact Statement: This flyer provides a high-level look at the SCDTDP and its impact nationwide.
Congressional Report Executive Summary: This standalone executive summary highlights what can be found in the full Congressional Report.
ECHO flyer: This flyer shares information about the use of Project ECHO to expand the number of providers able to treat patients with sickle cell disease.