Early Childhood Health Equity Landscape: Learning from Existing and Emerging Initiatives
In response to increased public and private sector funder interest, this project seeks to assess, summarize, and catalogue multisector initiatives that support more effective and equitable early childhood systems. The project will systematically gather, synthesize, and publicly share insights and learnings, promising practices and progress, and challenges and opportunities to enhance state and local early childhood efforts.
Status: Complete
November 2018 to April 2021
- Who: NICHQ will work in partnership with Child Trends to lead the Early Childhood Health Equity Landscape.
- Funder: The project is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
- Our Role: In partnership with Child Trends, NICHQ will review the early childhood landscape and synthesize key trends in system-building initiatives that promote health equity. This synthesis will be used to inform future public policy, programming, and funding decisions.
Call for Initiatives
Do you work on an initiative seeking to improve health and well-being for children from birth to age 8?
We are interested in learning more from early childhood initiatives that address health equity and involve collaboration across multiple sectors (e.g., early care and education, home visiting). If this sounds like you, please tell us about your initiative in this survey. We will review all submissions and select initiatives to feature on an interactive map analyzing the early childhood landscape. Select initiatives may also be invited to participate in an in-depth interview about topics related to early childhood health equity.
Please fill out this survey by November 22, 2019.