Childhood Obesity Prevention and Treatment (CHOPT) Projects

Two projects that analyze Medicaid programs that are designed to prevent and treat childhood obesity to learn how they affect families and identify promising practices.

Status: Inactive
May 2016 to November 2016


Participants included stakeholders in obesity prevention and treatment nationwide, including healthcare providers and families.

Our Role

Conducted face-to-face interviews with families who participate in childhood obesity prevention and treatment programs. The interviews informed the creation of a toolkit for innovative and promising programs to reduce childhood obesity in the Medicaid population. Convened a meeting of the CHOPT advisory committee, key stakeholders and families to create a discussion about childhood obesity and define strategies for prevention and treatment programs.


The projects were funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in partnership with the Institute for Medicaid Innovation

Project Impact

reduction in severe maternal morbidity from hemorrhage among Black women
(Louisiana PQC, 2018-2020)
people involved in something
exciting things in progress

External Resources

State Perinatal Quality Collaboratives

List of PQCs funded by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Visit the Site

The Power of PQCs

Video showing the impact that PQCs have on the communities they serve. Produced by the NNPQC.

Watch the Video

PQCs in the News

Articles in news outlets covering state PQCs, their activities, and the people that work in the collaboratives.

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Patient Safety Bundles

From the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health. PSBs are collections of evidence-informed best practices that address clinically specific conditions in pregnant and postpartum people. The NNPQC helps provide TA and support to PQCs in adopting the core AIM Perinatal Mental Health Bundle.

Visit the Site

Perinatal Quality Collaboratives

The CDC’s landing page for PQCs, including helpful infographics, videos, and links to help explain what PQCs are, how they work, and stories, learnings, and publications that have come out of the state PQCs.

Watch the Video

Related Content

Resources produced by the Childhood Obesity Prevention and Treatment (CHOPT) Projects or on related topics

Meet Our Team

“In our deep organizational work to move along the Equity Systems Continuum from a Savior-Designed System to an Equity-Empowered System, we acknowledge the power of action. The potential is limitless for today’s commitments to improve the systems in which health care and public health professionals work and families receive care.”

Stacy Scott, PhD, MPA
Executive Project Director and Equity Lead at NICHQ