National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives

NICHQ works to enhance the coordination and communication of perinatal quality collaboratives across the nation, with the ultimate goal of improving health outcomes for mothers and newborns.

Status: Active
September 2022 to September 2027

Providing resources and support toward efforts to improve maternal and infant health outcomes

The National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (NNPQC) provides resources and expertise to nationwide state-based perinatal quality collaboratives (PQCs) with the goal of deepening and accelerating improvement efforts for maternal and infant health outcomes. The mission of the NNPQC is to support the development and enhance the ability of state perinatal quality collaboratives to make measurable improvements in statewide maternal and infant healthcare and health outcomes.


PQCs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Defense Health Agency.

Our Role

As the coordinating center, NICHQ will enhance the coordination and communication of PQCs across the nation, advise state PQCs that are in early stages of developing their collaboratives, and give technical assistance focused on quality improvement (QI) methods that improve health outcomes for mothers and newborns, particularly within populations disproportionately affected by adverse perinatal outcomes.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Other Information

To learn more about the NNPQC, please email

Project Impact

We are dedicated to making measurable improvements in maternal and infant health care and health outcomes. One of the ways we do this is through NICHQ’s role as the coordinating center for the National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives, or the NNPQC. Click here to view our full impact statement.

reduction in severe maternal morbidity from hemorrhage among Black women
(Louisiana PQC, 2018-2020)
people involved in something
exciting things in progress

Project Impact

We are dedicated to making measurable improvements in maternal and infant health care and health outcomes. One of the ways we do this is through NICHQ’s role as the coordinating center for the National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives, or the NNPQC. Click here to view our full impact statement.

NICHQ leads the National Network of Perinatal Quality of Collaboratives (NNPQC) project, partnering with 15 organizations to support 52 state- and territory-based PQCs to expand their maternal and child health infrastructure through training, tools, and technical assistance and support. Of the 52 PQCs, most are based in academic institutions or their state’s department of health, and in total, partner with over 2,000 birthing hospitals and 380 community-based organizations. NNPQC serves as a convener to support PQCs in fostering these partnerships to implement practice and policy changes to improve perinatal health outcomes and address inequities. Additionally, NNPQC hosts annual PQC meetings for state teams to collaborate, partner, and share thoughts with each other. The most recent annual meeting occurred in December 2023, with 49 of the 50 PQCs represented and 190 total attendees.

External Resources

State Perinatal Quality Collaboratives

List of PQCs funded by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The Power of PQCs

Video showing the impact that PQCs have on the communities they serve. Produced by the NNPQC.

Patient Safety Bundles

From the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health. PSBs are collections of evidence-informed best practices that address clinically specific conditions in pregnant and postpartum people. The NNPQC helps provide TA and support to PQCs in adopting the core AIM Perinatal Mental Health Bundle.

Visit the Site

Perinatal Quality Collaboratives

The CDC’s landing page for PQCs, including helpful infographics, videos, and links to help explain what PQCs are, how they work, and stories, learnings, and publications that have come out of the state PQCs.

PQCs in the News

Articles in news outlets covering state PQCs, their activities, and the people that work in the collaboratives.

Related Content

Resources produced by the National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives project or on related topics

Meet Our Team

Stacey C. Penny, DrPH, MPH, MSW

Executive Project Director

Isabel Zuckoff, MPH

Project Director

Meera Menon, PhD

Director of Research and Evaluation

Elena Dillner, MSW, MPH

Senior Project Manager

Beverly Reyes

Project Manager

Laura Sabino

Project Coordinator

Nathaniel Pickett, PhD

Web & Product Manager

Jey Weisgerber

Director of Communications and Digital Strategy

Domonique Davis

Senior Manager, Communications and Digital Strategy