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Health Topics


Essentials of Collaboration

This interactive course explores how to produce positive population health outcomes through effective collaboration. With directions on breaking down silos, aligning activities, and working productively together, this course provides a foundation for partnering with others to make a difference in your community. 


The Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Framework

The Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Framework is a revised version of the supplement to ASTHO’s 2015 issue brief, How State Health Departments Can Use the Spectrum of Prevention to Address Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. The framework’s intent is to aid in structuring stakeholder discussions at the state level to better understand how collective efforts can prevent in-utero opioid exposure and impact the incidence of NAS.


Infant Mortality CoIIN Prevention Toolkit

This interactive toolkit allows users to learn from participants in the Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to Reduce Infant Mortality (Infant Mortality CoIIN). Organized by topics from the initiative, this toolkit features change ideas, case studies, videos and key insights from teams who are working to reduce infant mortality throughout the country. 


Quality Improvement 101

This interactive course teaches the fundamentals of quality improvement (QI) and how to use this methodology to create effective, beneficial change. Lessons and exercises go over important elements such as the Model for Improvement, Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, implementation and spread.


Introduction to Using Control Charts

A control chart is a statistical tool that can help users identify variation and use that knowledge to inform the development of changes for improvement. In this Introduction to Control Charts, learn about the purpose, components and how to interpret control charts to guide your improvement work.


Using Maternal and Child Health Quality Improvement Efforts to Advance State Health Agency Accreditation

This issue brief details the intersections between health departments' efforts to earn public health accreditation with their work in collaborative improvement & innovation networks (CoIIN). Using the CoIIN to Reduce Infant Mortality (IM CoIIN) as an example and showing the Oklahoma State Department of Health used its participation to inform its accreditation procedures, this brief presents solutions for creating efficient practices to achieve both aims. 
