Before Birth & Beyond
S1E1 Black Maternal Health Week, Land Acknowledgements, & Publications
In this episode of Before Birth & Beyond, celebrate Black Maternal Health Week with a roundtable discussion among Black maternal health experts. Also, learn about Land Acknowledgements, hear details from a new NICHQ publication, and hear why our staff work in MCH.
Getting Started with Land Acknowledgements
Land acknowledgements can be an important tool for both Natives and non-Natives to facilitate honoring the past and acknowledging its impact on the present – and future.
- National Museum of the American Indian Land Acknowledgment
- NPR: So you began your event with an Indigenous land acknowledgment. Now what?
- Research reveals media role in stereotypes about Native Americans
- North Dakota Tribal History
- Supporting Indigenous Families for Improved Health Outcomes
- Land and Language Acknowledgement
Black Maternal Health Week Roundtable
Recently the CDC released 2021 data showing increases in rates of maternal mortality across all age groups and races, as well as persisting disparities, especially among Black women. Our roundtable in honor of Black Maternal Health Week (April 11-17) features these experts in Black maternal health:
- Dr. Zsakeba Henderson, MD FACOG, Senior Health Advisor
- Stacey Penny, MSW, MPH, Sr. Project Director of the National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (NNPQC)
- Dr. Stacy Scott, PhD, MPA, VP of Health Innovation
TAKE ACTION: Join NICHQ in honoring BMMA’s vision by using their social media toolkit and community events to deepen the national conversation about Black maternal health.
- NICHQ’s Black Maternal Health Week 2023 Campaign
- National Network of Perinatal Quality Collaboratives
- Supporting Healthy Start Performance Project
Community Q&A
Submit your questions to NICHQ’s network of advisors, faculty, and expansive project experts in maternal and child health, rare disease, and . If selected, we’ll invite you to be part of this segment. We look forward to your questions!
Why I Work in MCH
This month, we’re joined by Ana Franklin, NICHQ’s Development Manager, who shares her personal health journey and how her experience as the adopted child of a retired general health practitioner led to her personal and professional commitment to health .
Learn more about Ana and the rest of NICHQ’s team at
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