

Improving Systems to Support Quality Healthcare for Children and Youth in New York State

A project designed to further enhance the clinical quality in New York State’s school-based health centers by teaching health center and state health department staff how to support, spread and sustain quality improvement initiatives. The project’s initial work focused on enhancing children and youth healthcare through asthma care, comprehensive physical exams and the prevention and treatment of obesity.


Status: Complete

March 2009 to April 2010

  • Who: The project involved 24 school-based health centers in New York State.
  • Funder: This project was funded by the New York State Department of Health.
  • Our Role: Provided training on how to use the Model for Improvement to make and spread improvements. Also, NICHQ designed a comprehensive measurement strategy for the New York State Department of Health to use to track the progress of its school-based health center project.